Sugar dating has been defined in scholarly literature as companionship and intimacy in return for financial compensation. However, even some researchers note that this definition is too broad, and, of course, it doesn’t explain what exactly are all sugar daddy relationship expectations. That’s why we wrote this guide and described them in detail.
Also we made the list of the best websites to find real sugar babies:
What do sugar daddies expect from a relationship?
Companionship and intimacy are really broad terms that don’t really explain much to a sugar baby. So what does a sugar daddy expect? Here are more definitive answers.

In most cases, sugar daddies are looking for:
- Beauty — in all shapes and colors. It’s a mistake to think that all sugar babies must look like top models — it’s not always the case, but most sugar daddies do look for “their type” among sugar baby profiles on such sites as Secret Benefits or
- Affection. Yes, that’s right. They are also looking for those romantic feelings, but a bit different from what we usually expect from regular romantic relationships. Sugar daddies don’t want to build serious relationships, but they do want this experience to be pleasant for both parties, and that’s possible only when both partners like each other.
- Readiness to follow the sugar dating rules. They don’t want jealousy, 24/7 texting, complaints, and negative emotions. They are looking for easy and fun relationships, so this is very important to sit down and answer all sugar daddy arrangement questions.
- Emotional connection, support, if necessary. Yes, that’s the part of companionship, and they expect this, too.
- Intimacy — only when you both are ready for it. There are also platonic sugar daddies who are interested in friendship more, but this is way less common.
Some researchers assume that sugar dating reflects the valid desires of sugar babies/sugar daddies to form a loving, nurturing, and paternalistic relationship. And that pretty much describes the situation.
What to expect about your first sugar daddy date
Just keep in mind that you both meet to test your chemistry and get a bit closer. That’s not an interview or anything like that, so it’d be better for a sugar baby to relax and enjoy the conversation. However, that works for sugar daddies, too.

Generally speaking, most sugar daddy expectations about the first dates after meeting on sugardaddy websites, like WhatsYourPrice, are related to:
- A woman’s looks — it would be a mistake to deny that nearly all sugar daddies want to see a good-looking lady and not a girl who has just left a gym.
- A nice and friendly conversation — sugar date is pretty much a regular date. You discuss different topics, smile, laugh, etc. None of the partners should play the role of a benefactor or a girl looking for sponsorship. On a date, you are just people who try to find out if you like each other.
- No pressure — some newbies to the sugar world believe that “I want a gift for a date” must be a first or a second phrase they should say. That’s a bad idea.
As you can see, making a good impression on a daddy is not that hard. Being nice, polite, and friendly is more than enough — the rest depends on the chemistry between you.
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Summing up
So, what to expect from a sugar daddy relationship? In most cases, sugar daddies don’t expect anything extraordinary from sugar babies. They want to have fun, spend time with women they like, and yes, in most cases, they expect intimacy, too. However, the only thing that distinguishes them from other men is their readiness to reward women for dating.
Sugar daddies want to see a beautiful, bright girl next to them who knows how to create a good mood. Sugar daddies have successful careers, friends, and hobbies. They only need a little inspiration and pleasant energy from their girlfriends. Of course, do not forget that all sugar daddies are different, and there is not only one sugar baby type. And this is good. Every girl can find the right man.
We encourage you to be yourself first—no need to use message templates. Sugar daddies have read them many times already. Better write something sincere about why you were attracted to the profile of this particular sugar daddy. Show that you’ve read the profile carefully and show what you and sugar daddy have in common.
Don’t be rude, pressure your sugar daddy, or show other masculine traits. Your behavior should be as easy, friendly, and open as possible. Such a sugar baby causes a desire to take care of her, give gifts, and help in all imaginable ways. Also, we do not recommend talking about the benefits you want from a relationship from the first message. It’s an essential part of a relationship, but sugar daddy shouldn’t think you’re only concerned about money.
I am looking for a sugar daddy. I am in a financial bind as well seeking companionship badly. I just want to live a happier life and be able to pay my bills. Any advice.
Hi! If you have some nice photos and 10 minutes of free time, you can start searching for a rich guy today! Read this guide, create a dating profile, follow the golden rules of a sugar baby, and you’ll probably get some messages from sugar daddies in the next few days.
I love spending time with my sugar daddy. He is really sweet to me. BUt we’ve been together for years and I see all the other girls with sugar daddies get at least an apartment and a car. He doesn’t want to give me that. I am confused, I don’t want to hurt him. But he just have been giving me gifts I dont really need, like clothes and jewelry, and he paid for my bills for a while. But he kept giving me the same amount for years and things get more and more expensive and now that’s not enough. I don’t know what to do. Should I finish this deal?
My sugar daddy appreciates my openness. I am always sincere with him and tell him what I like and what I don’t. At the same time, I always thank him for his gifts and even simply his presence.
I am a Latino Puerto Rican kid I am 49 years old looking for a companion to speak and have a great time I am single I live with my girlfriend only because I have no one else thank you if you’re interested please text me back or call me or look forward