About sugarwebsites.biz
Sugardaddysites.pro has been around since 2017. Since then, we have been delivering quality, structured and complete information for people who want to try sugar dating.
Our main job is to analyze sugar dating platforms, find reliable sites and compile objective ratings. We analyze all popular sites and write about them based on our personal experience.
At Sugardaddysites.pro we also publish expert material on what sugar dating is all about and how to become successful in this area. Our materials are very practical in nature and are popular with beginners and experienced dating players.
Our mission
Our mission has three components:
- Search for trust platforms that will help our readers achieve their goals in dating
- Maximum assistance to readers through guides, recommendations, and tips about sugar dating
- Ensure the safe stay of our readers on the site, protecting it from scammers and unsafe sites
What we offer
We offer three main products:
Reviews of sites. We provide structured, complete, step-by-step instructions on using the site with pricing, pros and cons, and expert commentary.
Expert guides. These articles are created by great experts in the field of dating and psychology. The materials are designed to teach you comfortable sugar dating, give you valuable tips, tell you about essential tricks and life hacks, warn against mistakes, and increase your chances of success in dating.
Blogs. In this section, we reveal the ABC of dating. We answer the most frequent and exciting questions of our readers, and also talk about the basic concepts of dating.
How we prepare reviews
Before writing our review, we set ourselves the goal that each person finds all the information about the sugar site that he may need to decide whether to use it.
It is also our goal to provide verified information, which is why our experts test the site for several days before writing a review. What are we checking?
- How convenient or inconvenient features are arranged
- Is it easy to pay online
- How easy is it for users to contact
- How many messages can you receive
- Quality of completed profiles
- Convenience of communication features
Our main aspects of reviewing a dating site
In our review, we pay attention to many things that will help make a decision about whether a person needs this site or not. Here are the key specs we’re looking at:
- Popularity. How many users visit the site every month? What countries are these people from? The more popular the site, the more choices people have who want to create a sugar relationship. We also look at how many people are online on weekdays and weekends.
- Trust. Can this site be trusted? Does it have a privacy policy? What does he do to protect the site from scammers? What is the user rating of the site? We carefully study these issues and highlight them in the review.
- Prices. We study and analyze the prices offered by the site. We compare the site’s prices with similar ones in the niche, describing examples of using packages for our users. As a result, we give readers an idea of whether it is beneficial to use this site.
- Options. We test the maximum number of features on the site, both paid and free. We analyze the availability, convenience, and attractiveness of the option. We tell you how to use each specific feature.
- Profile quality. We carefully study the profiles on the site and evaluate the following characteristics: the quality of photos, the quality of completing profiles, and the number of verified profiles.
- Support work. We test several times how quickly and efficiently technical support works. To do this, we send several requests of different properties and look at the speed of responses, quality, and politeness.
About the editor

Brett Wagner has been a certified psychologist since 2010 and also has 13 years of experience using dating apps. He has extensive experience creating content for media outlets in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston.
Brett Wagner knows how to work with different content formats and teaches this to his team. He is a high-class specialist who subtly feels what the reader needs today. Brett is responsible for creating ideas, a content plan for the site, constantly suggesting improvements to old material and exploring new text formats that could be useful to our readers.
Brett is a meticulous editor who always finds ways to improve the quality of our writers’ texts. Largely thanks to him, you can read high-quality articles on our site.
The team

Danielle Gelber – Author
Danielle Gelber is a certified journalist and has been writing texts for 3 years. She specializes in writing about the sugar dating industry and clearly has a lot to say about it. She was a sugar baby from 2017 to 2019.

Lauren Simon – Author
Lauren regularly creates quality materials for our site, adapting them to the modern needs of readers. She is a true professional, psychologist, and coach with 15 years of experience. Lauren can sort out even the most difficult problem when it comes to the psychology of relationships or sex. Her materials are a real find and a storehouse of exclusive information.

Marty Cooper – Researcher
Marty Cooper is a man-figure. It will find any statistics it needs. This gives him great pleasure, so he regularly provides new facts and research. He is also our chief sugar dating tester. It analyzes all the features and provides information in a reader-friendly way.